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Early Literacy
Books can be an important way to help children cope with big feelings, new situations and developmental milestones, especially when read together with a loving caregiver. The following list of topics contain stories recommended by our Parenting Educators.
For information on creating a literacy-rich environment to support your child’s development, the following local and national resources are recommended:
BABIES NEED WORDS EVERY DAY – Designed to bridge the 30 Million Word Gap by providing parents with proven ways to build their children’s literacy skills.
ESSENTIALS OF EARLY LITERACY INSTRUCTION (NAEYC) – Research on literacy development in young children.
JBRARY.COM – Story time blog with book recommendations, finger plays and online resources.
MANATEE COUNTY LIBRARIES – Books, local story times and literacy resources.
MIND IN THE MAKING – Promoting Executive Function Life Skills and the science of children’s learning.
SARASOTA COUNTY LIBRARIES – Books, local story times and literacy resources.
STORY TIME KATIE – Songs, rhymes, finger plays and book recommendations from a children’s librarian.
TALKING IS TEACHING – Tips and tools for talking, reading and singing to your child to help them develop the brain connections they need.
TOO SMALL TO FAIL – Helps parents, communities, and businesses take specific actions to improve the health and well-being of children from birth to age five.
Partners In Play® (PIP) at Your Neighborhood Library
Enjoy special play time with your child. Meet our friendly and experienced Parenting Educators and Early Literacy Specialist and discover how play and learning go hand-in-hand.