Playdough Power!

Squishing, rolling, sculpting, molding . . . young children love to play with playdough. Add some props from around the home and playdough play becomes a powerful way to support your child’s learning. This simple preschool staple lets children use their imaginations and strengthen the small muscles in their fingers—the same muscles they will one day use to hold a pencil and write. Using playdough with you, a friend, or siblings supports your child’s social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and enjoying being with other people. Playdough also encourages children’s language and literacy, science, and math skills—all at the same time!
Playdough Recipe:
1 cup flour
½ cup salt
2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
1 cup water
Food coloring
- Mix together all ingredients, place in a non-stick pan.
- Cook over medium-high heat, stirring constantly.
- When it forms into dough, turn out onto a board and knead.
- Store in a covered container or Ziploc bag.
Try varying the experience by adding a few drops of scented extract (lemon, mint, vanilla, etc…) to the water before cooking. You can add glitter to the mixture for a sparkling surprise!