Choosing a Good Toy

Toy aisles can be overwhelming and manufacturers make claims that their toys can help improve children’s intelligence. The truth is that simple items are great for developing imagination and creativity. Toys can include plastic bowls with wooden spoons for drumming or plastic cups for stacking! Toys do not have to be complicated with lights and sounds to stimulate learning!
If you are looking for toys for a specific age range, consider these thoughts:
Newborns to nine month old babies are stimulated through their senses. Look for items with different textures. Nine month old to eighteen month old children are starting to engage in social and pretend play. Play food, play kitchens, and problem solving toys like puzzles can challenge your child’s abilities in a positive way. For eighteen month old to three year old children, look for items that can help them use their imagination, create art, and imitate life. Dolls, play dough, and crayons are an excellent place to start!